Tag: Builders

2012 Peter Kohler Peak Awards Hosted by Nova Scotia Home Builders Association

Each year the Nova Scotia Home Builder's Association hosts its annual Peter Kohler Peak Awards. This event recognizes all NSHBA members for their excellence and accomplishments in the residential construction...

Moving to Nova Scotia? No Problem!

Our team at Sawlor Built Homes has often built Custom Homes for clients currently residing outside of the province or country.

The Importance of Testimonials

So you have decided to build your new home.  If you haven’t spent the time to research potential Builders – Start Now!!  All too often a Homeowner who hasn’t done...

The Contract - Get it in Writing!

After you have selected the Builder that has offered the best value (NOT the lowest price), it’s time to sign a Contract.

The Quote – The Devil IS in the Details!

It starts with clear communication of clients expectation and budgets. A complete review of the house plans while asking questions about every component of the house is critical to getting...


We would like to thank you for your excellent co-operation, expertise, and valuable assistance during the contract. We are confident that we made the right decision in choosing Sawlor...

Ronald & Shirley


Accounts tweeting on innovation, industry and consumer issues with houses and energy use.

Twitter accounts covering innovation and consumer issues with the tech in our homes.