The Importance of Testimonials

So you have decided to build your new home.  If you haven’t spent the time to research potential Builders – Start Now!!  All too often a Homeowner who hasn’t done their research will select their Builder based on the lowest quote. This will usually lead to both you (the Homeowner) and the Builder being unsatisfied with the final project.

What is the best way to start your research? By reading client testimonials of course!  When you find a Builder with many positive testimonials that enthusiastically recommend them, you’ve found the correct Builder for you!

Client testimonials give insight into how the Builder orchestrates his/her company throughout the building process and how they handle any setbacks that may occur. How is there a better way to find out about your potential Builder other than the thoughts and opinions of past clients?

If you are interested in reading very enthusiastic testimonials from a satisfied clients, start here with Alan & Jennifer and read why they chose Sawlor Built Homes and continue to recommend us. You can view more of our client testimonials here.

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Kaila Sawlor-Dion

Kaila is the Marketing Manager of Sawlor Built Homes. She continuously updates our profile on Facebook, Instagram, Houzz, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest, and is focused on all marketing initiatives.

A third generation family member of Sawlor Built Homes, Kaila joined the company in 2011. She is an active member of the Canadian Home Builder's Association - Nova Scotia Marketing Committee and she continues to update her education and training, intent on becoming an industry leader in new home marketing.

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