Tag: Energy Efficiency

Save or Splurge?

Knowing when to splurge and when to save will help you make room for those nice-to-have items, while ensuring you have all that you need.

Energy Efficient Practices: Then and Now

The 10-year challenge has been all the rage on social media, where people compare themselves now to who they were a decade ago. If we were to look at how energy efficient practices have evolved in the homebuilding industry these past 10 years, today’s standards would be the clear winner.

The Net Zero Movement

The home building industry is continually looking to improve its practices, and the shift towards net zero and net zero ready is one way it’s doing just that. 

What Makes a Home Energy Efficient?

Simply put, a home built with energy efficient practices performs better. It’s more comfortable to live in, it’s better for your health and the environment, and it saves you money on your energy bills.

2018 Kohltech Peak Awards - Chronicle Herald

SPOTTED in the Chronicle Herald this past weekend!!!!