Energy Efficiency

An energy efficient home is more comfortable to live in, costs less in monthly bills, and better for the environment than a home built without energy efficient practices.  

When you build your home with energy efficiency in mind, you’re building for now and the future. How will you know which standard is right for your home and budget? We’ll work with you to find your perfect fit. We’re proud to have achieved certification in all levels of energy efficiency building standards, so we can better serve customers like you. 

At Sawlor Built Homes, we are certified to build to all levels of energy efficiency standards practiced in Nova Scotia. The three standards we often discuss with our Clients include:

  1. Passive House

    A Passive House is built to the strictest energy efficiency standards. We’re certified through Passive House Institute US (PHIUS), which specifies that homes must be fully insulated, airtight, have high-performance windows and doors, use balanced heat- and moisture-recovery ventilation, and use the sun’s energy in a way that helps keep the house warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Passive House builders are trained in passive house standards and subject to inspection by a third party. All Passive Homes are covered under warranty, to ensure those standards are adhered to and to provide homeowners with peace of mind. 

  2. Net Zero Energy/Net Zero Energy Ready

    Using renewable energy systems, such as geothermal and solar energy, a net zero energy house produces as much energy as it consumes on a yearly basis. These homes can still be connected to the electricity grid so they can provide electricity to the grid when producing more than they need, and draw from the grid when they’re not producing enough. This give-and-take scenario balances out throughout the year, so net zero is still the result. Builders must be trained and qualified to build net zero energy homes, which are inspected by third parties and come with warranty coverage.  


    When a home is built to code, that means it meets the government’s requirements for building and energy efficient standards. ENERGY STAR and EnerGuide take it a step further, offering even more energy savings for the homeowner. ENERGY STAR-certified products, such as appliances, lighting and electronics, are proven to use less energy than their standard counterparts. EnerGuide is a rating system that determines how energy efficient your home is. With the help of a certified builder, your home can score high on the EnerGuide system and boast energy efficient features that will help you save energy and money for years to come.  

Your continuing care and concern since the move, have serviced to reinforce to us that our decision to contract with Sawlor Construction was the right decision.

Donna & Robert


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