Custom Home Building Blog by Sawlor Built Homes

Changes During Construction

During the building process, it is not uncommon to change your mind and want to add or delete from your Plans and Specifications for construction.

After the Sale - Who Do You Contact?

Interior Trim Design and Options

You may want to consider using mouldings to add a personal touch to your new home.

How Do You Know if a Builder is Committed to Their Clients?

Ask your potential builders about Customer Choice Awards and their past client testimonials. When you find a Builder with many positive testimonials that enthusiastically recommend them, you’ve found the correct Builder for you!

Tips for Creating the Perfect Sunroom

These rooms are built as an extension of your home and are usually made of materials that match your home.


Considering that we were located in Mississauga, ON during the first phase of construction where good communication is so important. You and your team made us feel like we...

Jim & Ann


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