Custom Home Building Blog by Sawlor Built Homes

Aging in Place

Magazine articles, television shows and advertisements everywhere are educating us on our aging population.

The Great Escape

East Coast Living Magazine  published an article featuring one of the many homes that Sawlor is proud to have built. The custom home theatre featured was designed with specific visions and dreams of the homeowners that came to be a reality that they will be able to enjoy for years to come. 

2012 Peter Kohler Peak Awards Hosted by Nova Scotia Home Builders Association

Each year the Nova Scotia Home Builder's Association hosts its annual Peter Kohler Peak Awards. This event recognizes all NSHBA members for their excellence and accomplishments in the residential construction...

Is Greige for You?

Choosing a colour scheme for your new home can be downright overwhelming. Who would have thought colour could be so confusing? When you are selecting your wall colours there is...

Why Choose Granite?

Granite countertops are one of the most common countertop choices made by our clients. Being one of the hardest known building stones, it is preferred for multiple applications inside a...


What impressed us from the beginning and throughout the build was the dedication to the construction details and training of staff and sub-trades in Passive House building techniques and...

Wendy & Craig


Accounts tweeting on innovation, industry and consumer issues with houses and energy use.

Twitter accounts covering innovation and consumer issues with the tech in our homes.