Search Results for "process"

What to Consider When Selecting Your Builder

The Canadian Home Builders’ Association Nova Scotia offers a Certified Residential Builder program to its members.

Making Choices - And Changes

Decisions, decisions, decisions. When you’re building a custom home, you’ll face a lot of them.

Custom, Spec or Tract?

When you think about what’s on your must-have versus your nice-to-have list for your new home, does one outweigh the other? The kind of builder you choose will depend on your needs, preferences and budget.

The Lot or The Builder - Which Comes First?

So do you find the lot and then hire a builder, or vice versa?

Happy Holidays from Sawlor Built Homes

In the 51 years we’ve been in business, we haven’t seen a year quite like 2020.


Your continuing care and concern since the move, have serviced to reinforce to us that our decision to contract with Sawlor Construction was the right decision.

Donna & Robert


Accounts tweeting on innovation, industry and consumer issues with houses and energy use.

Twitter accounts covering innovation and consumer issues with the tech in our homes.