Search Results for "Process"

Service After The Sale

As you work thru the details of building a new home, it is important to remember that you will be working very closely with your builder for several months.

Building Relationships

A new home will typically take 6-9 months to complete. You will need to discuss various aspects of the project almost everyday with your Builder and his team. It will be a much easier and enjoyable experience if you have selected a builder who will listen and care.

Uh Oh - It's Broken. Will Your Builder Fix That For You?

The design of today’s homes is more complex than ever. 

The design of today’s homes is more complex than ever. The various systems used for heating, cooling, and even entertainment do much more than just heat, cool, or provide entertainment. The cabinetry, countertops, appliances, and fixtures are aesthetically appealing as well as functional. When it comes to modern homes, there’s a seemingly endless list of options available to tailor your home to your needs and preferences.

With more complexities, however, come more chances for things to go wrong. It happens—but as a homeowner, what’s most concerning to you is how it’s going to get fixed. That’s why it’s important to choose a builder that has a proven track record of following up with customers and resolving the problems that occur, rather than washing their hands of the homes they’ve built—and their clients—once the keys have been handed over.

His AND Her Home Planning and Design

Generally, custom home builders, their tradesmen, plan designers etc. are men. This can sometimes lead to a completed home with an almost “manly essence”.  

What is the Cost Per Square Foot to Build a New Home?

This is one of the first and most common questions I am asked by clients who are considering building a new home. 


Keith you lead a great team. As you know I work in HR so I know that every great team has a strong leader. One of the things...

Joanne & Eric


Accounts tweeting on innovation, industry and consumer issues with houses and energy use.

Twitter accounts covering innovation and consumer issues with the tech in our homes.