Search Results for "Custom+house+41"

An Important Consideration for Anyone Planning to Build a New Home

Energy Efficiency has always been an important consideration when building your new custom home. Energy costs are higher than ever before and will most likely continue to increase.

His AND Her Home Planning and Design

Generally, custom home builders, their tradesmen, plan designers etc. are men. This can sometimes lead to a completed home with an almost “manly essence”.

Engineered Stair Stringer

Engineered Stair Stringer - This product is designed specifically for the framing of stair stringers. It is an engineered product that is consistent in size and strength.

What is the Cost Per Square Foot to Build a New Home?

This is one of the first and most common questions I am asked by clients who are considering building a new home.   I understand why they ask.

Aging in Place

Magazine articles, television shows and advertisements everywhere are educating us on our aging population.
