Category: Plan

An Important Consideration for Anyone Planning to Build a New Home

Energy Efficiency has always been an important consideration when building your new custom home. Energy costs are higher than ever before and will most likely continue to increase.The Energuide Program...

Aging in Place

Magazine articles, television shows and advertisements everywhere are educating us on our aging population.

The Great Escape

East Coast Living Magazine  published an article featuring one of the many homes that Sawlor is proud to have built. The custom home theatre featured was designed with specific visions and dreams of the homeowners that came to be a reality that they will be able to enjoy for years to come. 

Turning Up the Heat While Keeping Your Cool!

A major topic of discussion for any custom new home is the Heating System. It is one of the most important components of your home and needs to be researched...

Innovation meets Entertainment

When it comes to preparing for the future wiring of your new home, start with some simple questions:


Your company surpassed all our expectations and helped us to have features that we feel are innovative and enhance the functionality of our home.

Brian & Linda


Accounts tweeting on innovation, industry and consumer issues with houses and energy use.

Twitter accounts covering innovation and consumer issues with the tech in our homes.