Custom Home Building Blog by Sawlor Built Homes

Garage Matters

The addition of a garage to a new home design is appealing to many homeowners. Whether it’s used as a shop, for storage, or to keep your vehicle out of...

Service After The Sale

As you work thru the details of building a new home, it is important to remember that you will be working very closely with your builder for several months.

The Clean Up

When you think about it, your builder’s crew members are the first guests you’ll have in your home.

Building Relationships

A new home will typically take 6-9 months to complete. You will need to discuss various aspects of the project almost everyday with your Builder and his team. It will be a much easier and enjoyable experience if you have selected a builder who will listen and care.

Changing It Up!

How ready is your Builder to accommodate these changes? And at what price?


I am still amazed at how this house came together. This house was simply a design I had sketched on paper, and your team made it a reality.



Accounts tweeting on innovation, industry and consumer issues with houses and energy use.

Twitter accounts covering innovation and consumer issues with the tech in our homes.