Where Do You Plan To Plug In?

When you’re setting up your new home, there’s nothing more frustrating than not having an electrical outlet where you need one. That’s why it’s important to plan ahead and know where you’d like those outlets to go.

The Canadian Electrical Code has a standard for the minimum number and general location of electrical outlets in new homes, however that doesn’t mean you can’t add more outlets if your electrical service box permits.

Consider the purpose of each room in your house and how you plan on furnishing it, as well as which appliances will go where. For example, if you’d like to hang a flat-screen TV on a wall, place a plug directly behind it to hide the cords.

Sawlor Custom Home 5 Living Room

Here are some other places to consider installing electrical outlets:

1. Around your kitchen island, to allow for small appliances.
Custom Home 30 Kitchen Island Electrical Outlet 2) Under your cabinets, to provide soft LED lighting.

Custom Home 28 Cabinet Lighting

3. In locations you’d like to use for charging stations.Custom Home 28 Kitchen Outlet
4. Either side of the fireplace mantel, in case you’d like to plug in a lighted picture or clock.Sawlor Custom Home 17 Living Room
5. In your home office, for Internet modems, printers and desktop computers.  Sawlor Custom Home 29 Home Office
6. In the floor (but be sure to complete a furniture layout first).Sawlor Custom Home 30 Living Room
7. In the garage or workshop, along the wall where you plan on having your workbench. Sawlor Custom Home 9 Garage
8. Under your eaves for outdoor holiday lighting.Sawlor Custom Home 13 Exterior Lighting
9. Anywhere outside that you plan on installing outdoor fountains, lighting fixtures or pergolas. Sawlor Custom Home 7 Exterior Lighting

While you might believe you’ve thought of everything, there’s always something that slips through the cracks so discuss your electrical layout and requirements with your builder and electrician. They will help make your electrical plan as complete as possible and make sure there are a few empty breakers in your electrical panel for future expansion. 

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Keith Sawlor

Keith Sawlor is the second generation Owner of Sawlor Built Homes. With more than 35 years experience building custom homes in Nova Scotia, Keith has built a team that mirrors his professional knowledge and values.

Keith is a Certified Residential Builder who is also certified with many leading industry organizations. He is a Passive House Institute US (PHIUS) Certified Builder, a Net Zero Energy (NZE) Certified Builder, a Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) R-2000 Certified Builder, and a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS).

Keith is a Past Board Member of the Atlantic Home Warranty Program as well as the Canadian Home Builders' Association Nova Scotia. He is involved in many other industry programs and associations, such as the Canadian Home Builders’ Association National and Better Business Bureau.

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