Passive House Project: Trim

Progress continues at our Passive House Project!

Photo 2017 07 26 1 18 08 PM Photo 2017 07 26 1 18 28 PM

Our contemporary trim package is almost complete. The solid birch doors look awesome!

The thick exterior walls create a very wide sill. The windows are trimmed with drywall on 2 sides and the top, with a durable PVC sill on the bottom.

Passive House Contemporary Window Trim Passive House Contemporary Window Trim


During a recent site visit on a cool day, we noticed the dehumidifier and power tools (no heaters) were producing enough heat to keep the building very warm. This home is going to be exceptionally efficient and comfortable. The technologies of Passive House along with the design by Solterre Design have produced an incredible home for our clients.

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Keith Sawlor

Keith Sawlor is the second generation Owner of Sawlor Built Homes. With more than 35 years experience building custom homes in Nova Scotia, Keith has built a team that mirrors his professional knowledge and values.

Keith is a Certified Residential Builder who is also certified with many leading industry organizations. He is a Passive House Institute US (PHIUS) Certified Builder, a Net Zero Energy (NZE) Certified Builder, a Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) R-2000 Certified Builder, and a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS).

Keith is a Past Board Member of the Atlantic Home Warranty Program as well as the Canadian Home Builders' Association Nova Scotia. He is involved in many other industry programs and associations, such as the Canadian Home Builders’ Association National and Better Business Bureau.

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