Search Results for "building plans"

Aging in Place

Magazine articles, television shows and advertisements everywhere are educating us on our aging population.

Why Choose Granite?

Granite countertops are one of the most common countertop choices made by our clients. Being one of the hardest known building stones, it is preferred for multiple applications inside a...

Moving to Nova Scotia? No Problem!

Our team at Sawlor Built Homes has often built Custom Homes for clients currently residing outside of the province or country.

The Importance of Testimonials

So you have decided to build your new home.  If you haven’t spent the time to research potential Builders – Start Now!!  All too often a Homeowner who hasn’t done...

Add Some Curb Appeal to Your New Home!

I like to take my coffee mug and my chocolate lab to the front veranda on sunny weekend mornings.


Marc, Tony and Mary provided me with all the handholding needed during the building of our home and responded very clearly and in a straightforward manner to all the questions...

Karen & Arnold


Accounts tweeting on innovation, industry and consumer issues with houses and energy use.

Twitter accounts covering innovation and consumer issues with the tech in our homes.