When you think about what’s on your must-have versus your nice-to-have list for your new home, does one outweigh the other? The kind of builder you choose will depend on your needs, preferences and budget.
Home has been the place to be these past few months. We’ve swapped movie theatres for movie nights at home and relied on takeout or home cooking for meals. All that extra time at home might have made you think about what you need to feel comfortable in your space, especially if you’re looking to build a new home.
The 10-year challenge has been all the rage on social media, where people compare themselves now to who they were a decade ago. If we were to look at how energy efficient practices have evolved in the homebuilding industry these past 10 years, today’s standards would be the clear winner.
The home building industry is continually looking to improve its practices, and the shift towards net zero and net zero ready is one way it’s doing just that.
If you envision your future home as a place family and friends can gather comfortably, you’ll want to discuss a few key elements with your builder.