Benefits of Working With an Interior Decorator

Over time we have noticed our clients that use the service of an Interior Decorator have enjoyed the best building experience and most beautiful home.

An Interior Decorator will assist you with all of your product, style and color selections. They can make sure your home has that perfect look, first from the street, then as you walk through the front door and into the main body of the house. Colors will flow, products will support one another and everything will be in proportion. Even if you are comfortable with your own ability to make the best selections  it is nice to have a trained, experienced professional to confirm everything you have chosen!


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Kaila Sawlor-Dion

Kaila is the Marketing Manager of Sawlor Built Homes. She continuously updates our profile on Facebook, Instagram, Houzz, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest, and is focused on all marketing initiatives.

A third generation family member of Sawlor Built Homes, Kaila joined the company in 2011. She is an active member of the Canadian Home Builder's Association - Nova Scotia Marketing Committee and she continues to update her education and training, intent on becoming an industry leader in new home marketing.

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