Houzz Your Home: Part 1

When searching for inspiration to design their new homes, many people spend countless hours poring over magazine photos, visiting open houses, or sketching their visions as best they can on scrap paper.

A website called Houzz is a simple alternative to the usual sources of inspiration, bringing different ideas together in one place. It was created in 2009 by a couple who grew tired of looking at magazine clippings for home ideas (you may be able to relate!).

Think of Houzz as a social networking site for homeowners—you can share images of what you like with others, and in turn, collect ideas they’ve posted to use in your own home. Your favourite images can then be sorted into “Ideabooks” for a quick and organized reference, and you can follow users whose ideas you like so you can see whenever they post something new (and vice versa).

Houzz also provides a way to find the professionals who can bring your ideas to “life,” featuring profiles of homebuilders, renovators, architects, interior designers, landscapers, and more, all within your local area. These professionals have many great ideas of their own shared on their profiles, so be sure to follow the ones you like in order to see their most recent updates on your feed. 

Get started by taking a look at our profile, create your own personal account and browse over a million home photos!

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Kaila Sawlor-Dion

Kaila is the Marketing Manager of Sawlor Built Homes. She continuously updates our profile on Facebook, Instagram, Houzz, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest, and is focused on all marketing initiatives.

A third generation family member of Sawlor Built Homes, Kaila joined the company in 2011. She is an active member of the Canadian Home Builder's Association - Nova Scotia Marketing Committee and she continues to update her education and training, intent on becoming an industry leader in new home marketing.

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