Should You Expect Your Builder to Exceed Your Expectations? YES!

Today’s homes are bigger and more complex than ever before. The various systems that are installed for heating, cooling, and even entertainment, are incredible in their ability to satisfy your every desire. The cabinetry, countertops, appliances, and fixtures are a sight to see, and offer an infinite number of options for your everyday use.

As your home nears completion, you expect your vision for your home to come together perfectly, and to stay that way for a long time. The challenge lies in the complexity of your new home, and the sheer number of individuals that come together to work on it, as problems can and do arise.

The way in which your builder responds to these problems is critical to the outcome of your relationship with them. A company that “forgets” or ignores your troubles is sure to quickly lose your trust, and leave you uneasy with the homebuilding process. It’s a good idea to find out how your potential builder handles problems before they occur. When talking to previous clients, find out how your potential homebuilder dealt with a problem came up—or ask the builder directly. 

If it’s an urgent matter, a good builder will immediately send a crew to correct the situation. If the issue is important, but not urgent, a good builder will arrange an appointment to correct or explain the issue. If the problem was caused by a subcontractor, a builder should ask that company to correct the problem, and then follow up with the client to make sure it was handled properly. 

A builder that can successfully solve problems—and has high standards of customer service—is a builder you can trust.

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Keith Sawlor

Keith Sawlor is the second generation Owner of Sawlor Built Homes. With more than 35 years experience building custom homes in Nova Scotia, Keith has built a team that mirrors his professional knowledge and values.

Keith is a Certified Residential Builder who is also certified with many leading industry organizations. He is a Passive House Institute US (PHIUS) Certified Builder, a Net Zero Energy (NZE) Certified Builder, a Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) R-2000 Certified Builder, and a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS).

Keith is a Past Board Member of the Atlantic Home Warranty Program as well as the Canadian Home Builders' Association Nova Scotia. He is involved in many other industry programs and associations, such as the Canadian Home Builders’ Association National and Better Business Bureau.

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