Category: Plan

Save or Splurge?

Knowing when to splurge and when to save will help you make room for those nice-to-have items, while ensuring you have all that you need.

Let's Stay Home

Home has been the place to be these past few months. We’ve swapped movie theatres for movie nights at home and relied on takeout or home cooking for meals. All that extra time at home might have made you think about what you need to feel comfortable in your space, especially if you’re looking to build a new home.

Creating a Home Office Space

It is a different world we’re living in, and one we may need to get used to for the foreseeable future. For many, that means working from home. Having a dedicated space to work helps you focus on the task at hand, while minimizing distractions.

An Entertaining Idea

If you envision your future home as a place family and friends can gather comfortably, you’ll want to discuss a few key elements with your builder.

Why Custom?

When you build a custom home, you’re truly building for you. Your needs, your tastes, and your budget are all taken into consideration, leaving you with a home that is suited to you in every way.


We were not only looking for a contractor, we were looking for a partnership. Lana and I feel very thankful to have found that partnership with Sawlor Construction.

Claude & Lana


Accounts tweeting on innovation, industry and consumer issues with houses and energy use.

Twitter accounts covering innovation and consumer issues with the tech in our homes.