Custom Home Building Blog by Sawlor Built Homes

Moving In! - Enjoying your New Custom Home and what to expect in the first year.

All of the your research and hard work has paid off! You researched and found the right Builder, you have made all of your decisions and the closing held no...

Change Happens! - Keep This in Mind!

As your new home unfolds, you may see an opportunity to make changes that will enhance a room or upgrade a component.

The Build – (Decisions, Decisions!)

After all of your preparations, it’s time to start building! Your responsibility at this time should be reduced to:

The Contract - Get it in Writing!

After you have selected the Builder that has offered the best value (NOT the lowest price), it’s time to sign a Contract.

The Quote – The Devil IS in the Details!

It starts with clear communication of clients expectation and budgets. A complete review of the house plans while asking questions about every component of the house is critical to getting...


We have had other good experiences with builders before but never have we grown to trust a contractor’s honesty like we have with you. Your desire to succeed by building...

Nancy & Darrell


Accounts tweeting on innovation, industry and consumer issues with houses and energy use.

Twitter accounts covering innovation and consumer issues with the tech in our homes.