Search Results for "Passive Solar home, sustainable and small"

Passive House Project: Insulation

After insulating the house (but prior to drywall installation) our second blower door test was conducted, with a result of .37 @ 50 pascal. This is an incredible result that will significantly improve the energy performance (and comfort) of this home!

Passive House: Rain Water Collection System

The "Butterfly Roof System" is designed to collect and treat rain water to supply our Passive House with fresh water. 

Energy Efficient Homes - The Way to Build

There are different ways of achieving energy efficiency in a house. The passive house and net zero approaches are two of the best, as a passive house uses very little energy and a net zero house produces as much energy as it consumes.

Passive House Project: Update #3

Despite the harsh winter conditions (2 major storms in 1 week!), the second floor is complete and our Passive House is ready for the roof structure. 

Passive House Project: Update #2

The first floor of our passive house project is installed. Thank you to our crew for keeping the jobsite neat and tidy. Great job!


Sawlor Built Homes recently completed their third build for us. That in itself is the best recommendation we can offer.

Karen & Kevin


Accounts tweeting on innovation, industry and consumer issues with houses and energy use.

Twitter accounts covering innovation and consumer issues with the tech in our homes.