Search Results for "passive'"

Passive House Project: Insulation

After insulating the house (but prior to drywall installation) our second blower door test was conducted, with a result of .37 @ 50 pascal. This is an incredible result that will significantly improve the energy performance (and comfort) of this home!

Passive House: Rain Water Collection System

The "Butterfly Roof System" is designed to collect and treat rain water to supply our Passive House with fresh water. 

Energy Efficient Homes - The Way to Build

There are different ways of achieving energy efficiency in a house. The passive house and net zero approaches are two of the best, as a passive house uses very little energy and a net zero house produces as much energy as it consumes.

Passive House Project: Update #3

Despite the harsh winter conditions (2 major storms in 1 week! ), the second floor is complete and our Passive House is ready for the roof structure.

Passive House Project: Update #2

The first floor of our passive house project is installed. Thank you to our crew for keeping the jobsite neat and tidy. Great job!